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Alpha Base OS Update 1.49  17.02.2022 01:01
1.48 MBrane Scene presets added 1.49 Annoying file not found message cancelled readme_alpha_149.pd... Details ...
Alpha Base OS Update 1.47  09.11.2021 03:25
readme_alpha_147.pdf ... Details ...
ModBase09 Mk II vaccination starts  05.01.2021 22:20
We are happy to announce that ModBase09 Mk II start shipping now.... Details ...
Moonwind OS Update 1.11  30.10.2020 00:16
The Moonwind filter tracker has got a new update which fixes some problems with Midi clock, MTC and parameter jumps.
When used via Midi, the unit had sometimes valu... Details ...
ModBase 09 Mk II successsor  12.10.2020 13:54
We are happy to announce the successor of the ModBase09: ModBase09 Mk II continues the since 2013 known and by many considered as one of the best sounding kick drum in th... Details ...
ModBase09 + Mod.Brane11 OS 1.06  30.10.2020 00:08
ModBase09 and Mod.Brane11 have got a new update which fixes the many problems with Midi and parameter jumps. When used via Midi, both modules had sometimes values jump an... Details ...