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Midi-to-CV Interfaces

Old Midi Interfaces 1994-1996

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T-Resonator II

Extremely versatile and good sounding creative filter box.
2 pure analog transistor filters have a digital stereo delay integrated into the feedback loops. Positive feedback, FM and delayed feedback.
The envelope follower is combined with a sine LFO.
8 chorus/delay/reverb Algorithms.
Incredible sounds!

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XBASE 888- Discontinued

Analog Drum Synthesizer with fully analog kick, snare and tom toms and downloadable percussion samples. Same analog sound engine as in the XBASE 999, only the X-Filter misses. - Discontinued

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XBASE 999 - Discontinued

Analog Drum Synthesizer with fully analog kick, snare and tom toms and downloadable percussion samples plus assignable analog stereo multimode filter with LFOs.

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M-Resonator - Discontinued
- Discontinued -
Creative filter box based on the Resonator Neuronium idea.
Pure analog, with differential envelope followers.
Extreme and weird sounding! Details ...

MBase01- Discontinued

The MBase01 is an uncompromising JoMoX true analog bass drum in the form of a desktop midi module with storable presets. - Discontinued

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