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T-Resonator finally available!  06.05.2008 22:11

The very first T-Resonators have finally arrived from production.
All existing dealer backorders will be shipped out as soon as possible. Have fun!

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XBASE Rack mounting angles available  09.05.2008 17:26

Rack mounting angles out now!
For both XBASE 999/888 19" rack mounting angles including mounting screws are available now. The end cheek woods may be taken apart an... Details ...

XBASE 888 Sample Editor Online  06.05.2008 21:57

The sample editor for XBASE 888 WIN PC version is online now and can be downloaded on the 888 product page.

have fun!

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Test Report XBASE 888/999  27.02.2008 18:55
The online magazine Amazona has tested the XBASE 888/999

T-Resonator is bending spacetime!  14.02.2008 16:45
It is about time...

to care about the TIME.

"T" stands for time.

The T-Resonator transforms timely events into an analog feedbacked filter network. <... Details ...
XBASE 888 rocks! Available in January!  22.12.2007 02:04
Quite soon it's 008 ...time for another dawn...

and in the colors of dawn the new XBASE 888 is presented here.

It's an analog drum synthesizer with fully an... Details ...